24/7 lo-fi anime beats to question your sexuality to (by James Roach)

You got mail!


Haha, if you have any question, suggestion or anything! Don't hesitate to contact me!

(this canvas let's you draw and send your art anonymously - try it! I like receiving those <3 <3 <3)

Thank you for your visit!

Try to click around!

Hello there!


Do you draw often?

Yeah, I made an Instagram to dump my drawings. Now if someone asks to see my art, I don't have to scroll through my gallery full of memes and random stuff to find a sketch!

Oh, cool! Do you participate in art challenges too?

Yep, I share my challenge pieces there and it's a great way to connect with other artists online. Helps me grow my art skills too! xD

So, are you taking art seriously?

Not really. I like it, but I don’t see myself doing just that. Plus, I'm pretty lazy, so don't expect consistent updates.

How would you describe your art style and account?

Haha, it’s as stable as a weathercock in a storm—totally inconsistent. This account is like my private garden. You’re welcome to stay and enjoy as long as you like.

What about your followers who know you in real life?

Hi to those folks 👋 Not sorry for flooding your feed!

Are you planning to post other stuff besides art?

Thinking about it. Might make a second account for personal projects, traveling, courses, teaching, games, and other stuff.

Is your Instagram a good portfolio of your work?

Not really. I’ll make a dedicated website for that and maybe pin it on my story later. (That is, if I don't forget lol)

Are you selling your art?

Currently? No. Studying is a full-time job. Yet, I like the idea of helping others bring their ideas to life! So maybe soon, inchallah?

Got it! Thanks for the info.

No problem! Enjoy browsing my stuff!